
Sunday Sep 04, 2022
Sunday Sep 04, 2022
Dr Kathy O’Grady is a GP who has been working in the Newcastle area for over 30 years. She has a special interest in Mental Health. Kathy has been working as a Medical Educator with the Black Dog Institute for the last 8 years, delivering a range of workshops dealing with Depression, Anxiety, Perinatal Mental Health, Suicide Prevention, Youth Mental Health, PTSD, Bipolar Disorder, eMental health and Professional wellbeing and burnout.
Kathy speaks about the work of the Black Dog Institute and about some of the ways we can enter into a conversation with adults who may be struggling. She shares some of the more concerning signs as well as some ways in which we can respond. This response may include providing personal support or exploring some professional avenues. Kathy speaks about the value of empathy and of creating a space where people can share their distress without judgement.
Jesus modelled this in his life time and inspires us to do the same. It’s from this open and attentive place that we can best offer support.
** Please note that there are some references to sensitive mental health issues including suicide. If you feel uncomfortable or distressed at any point during the Episode please reach out to someone for help, connect with one of the support agencies like Beyond Blue or Life Line, or contact a medical practitioner directly.
Black Dog Institute is celebrating 20 years of impact in mental health research, and is the only Medical Research Institute (MRI) in Australia to investigate mental health across the lifespan.
Since 2002, The Institute has expanded from treating and researching mood disorders to being leaders in suicide prevention, digital mental health, workplace mental health, new treatments, and early intervention in young people.
The Institute’s unique translational approach allows us to quickly turn our world-class scientific findings into clinical services, educational programs and e-health products that improve the lives of people with mental illness.
The Institute connect research answers, expert knowledge and the voices of lived experience to deliver solutions that work across the health care system for patients and practitioners alike.
The Institute is proud to have been a trusted partner for 20 years with government, universities, health services, clinicians, industry, workplaces, schools and philanthropists and is excited to be shaping the future of mental health science.
Resources referenced during the Podcast:
Conversations Matter: Conversations Matter is a practical online resource to support safe and effective community discussions about suicide.
5 Ways to Wellbeing: 5 Ways to Wellbeing introduces you to five simple and effective ways to improve your psychological and emotional health that are based on extensive international research.